05.30.24 Materials

Managing the Risk of High-Cost Specialty Medications Doesn’t Have to Be Daunting

Just one high-cost specialty drug claim could significantly strain, or even break, a self-funded employer’s budget. Over 50% of RxBenefits® clients had a member with an annual claim over $100,000, and over 15% had an annual claim over $250,000.

Traditional stop-loss insurance covers high-cost medical events, like heart transplants, but fails to address ongoing expenses from chronic conditions like hemophilia. Specialty drug claims for these long-term
treatments are often excluded and expose your clients to increased costs and risk.

Now is the time to offer your clients peace of mind with our supplemental stop-loss protection that they can’t obtain anywhere else.

Email Kathleen Grasse at
kgrasse@rxbenefits.com to request
a quote and include the desired
deductibles (attachment points).

Review quote and choose deductible.

Fill out the Client Interest Form
to begin the contract process,
including Participant Agreement
and ACH banking information.

Don’t forget to contact our 7 preferred partner carriers to secure favorable pricing or contract terms for traditional stop-loss insurance.