
Contact us to learn how RxPharmacy Assurance enables self-insured employers to reduce risk through our supplemental stop-loss protection.

Stop-Loss Protection

RxPharmacy Assurance uniquely enables self-funded employers of all sizes to access a supplemental stop-loss insurance product at affordable rates that safeguards from unexpected and potentially catastrophic specialty drug claims.

The RxPharmacy Assurance solution is offered through an exclusive network of certified insurance brokers nationwide and offers members access to:

  • Supplemental Stop-Loss Coverage
  • Lasering Protection
  • Negotiation Power

Start Safeguarding Your
Clients’ Specialty Spend

Contact us to learn how joining RxPharmacy Assurance can help best-in-class companies secure affordable pharmacy-specific supplemental stop-loss insurance to offset the volatility of the traditional Stop-Loss insurance market.

463 Mountain View Drive
Suite 301
Colchester, Vermont 05446

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